Monday, August 14, 2006

File Under: It Really Happened

Mom and Dad were in town for a visit this weekend. Dad told me the story. (Dad, you kind of had to see this one coming, huh?)

(Author's note: While the dialogue depicted is accurate as far as my knowledge allows, the role portrayed by "answering machine" in this mystery-play was actually meted out in real-life by "phone with voice-message service," I believe. Dad remains as Dad.)


Anonymous said...

zomg, i can't stop laughing and it is disrupting the fragile peace of my closeted work environment. the students are getting ruffled...

Tymmi said...

my favorite part is the pregnant pause between "have no..." and "forks..."
I couldn't stop laughing about this all weekend. It just kept popping into my head at random intervals.

Anonymous said...

Must be something about our family's sense of humour. I too am getting funny looks from colleagues.

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