Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Because I haven't done a Sophie post in a while...

Back to just pencils again. I had fun playing with the brush for Futureman, but I didn't really like the inks (with a Micron brushpen) on the last post and there's a certain unfinished charm to the pencil work that fits the "sketch-blog" idea. This is probably how most of these posts will be, for a while.


mickey the wicked said...

That's a very true comic! It was the funniest thing I have read all day...

Tymmi said...

Thanks, guys.

I'm quite partial to her, as you can tell. And she gives me plenty of material to work with here, as well.

Thanks for stopping by.

Neko the Ninja said...

wow! you are a great comic artist!!! if you want feedback, maybe you should try getting an account at it's for all artists, i use it for my writing.

Neko the Ninja said...

i saw your website it's cool. very well organized.

Tymmi said...

Thanks. I consider organization one of my strongpoints, as a cartoonist :)

I've been by Deviant Art a few times. I'm not really sure that it's what I'm looking for, as far as comics presentation (design matters) but I'll look into it. I appreciate the comments and I'm glad you liked the website as well.

mickey the wicked said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog! :) I am really just drawing and coloring those pictures for fun...

I still think this comic is very funny!

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