Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Pen Runneth Dry

Continuing the stellar launch of my latest project here at the ol' blog: two pages in and I've hit another stumbling block.
The pen I've been using to ink these pages has gone and dried up on me. At least dried up enough that I can't get the line I want out of it. It's taking me about four times as long as it should to ink each panel - retracing the lines to get a good mark. Very frustrating. I can only use the one kind of pen as every other I have bleeds way out on this cheap sketchbook paper. Rather than butchering the new pages (as in the exerpt above) I'm gonna wait to draw more until I can find me a suitable replacement. I don't know when I'll get the chance to - soon I hope.

So, some filler then...

I've got a few other projects in the works right now, as well as normal sketchbooky type stuff to post. This'll fuel my obsessive desire to update this page. A Boy and His Squirrel will be back as soon as I buy a new pen.

Sorry about the rough going, but I'd rather have something I like to post, rather than just something.

ehh... such is the life of a sketch blog...


DerikB said...

In the past I've found it useful to buy my favorite pens by the box. Then there are no excuses.

Of course, you could end up like me with boxes of pens you don't use anymore.

Tymmi said...

By the BOX???
Whaddya think I'm made of money?

Yeah, I've done stuff like that in the past but i tend to switch media too often to make it worthwhile. I may try that here, as it seems this story's gonna take a while to tell...