Friday, October 07, 2005

Salem Jack: DONE!!!


alt tags are for people who know what to do with them

Waiting for Bill's approval but, PHEW!!!

I guess I really can finish things.

And now just for fun:

alt tags are for people who know what to do with them

WHEEEEE - HAW!!! Now that's a Friday Night!!!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Somebody out there does care!

Took me a little while but I finally came across this response to my entry in the Examiner's Triangulation Challenge of this past summer. I really take it as a testament to my efforts that someone took something I did so way off base.

To tell you the truth, I've been feeling a little down of late. I feel like I've just been spinning my wheels for some time. This turned out to be just what I needed to pick me up.

I mean, I got called a douchebag for cryin' out loud. How awesome is that?

Monday, October 03, 2005

Salem Jack: does this painting ever end?

Snuck in some more work on the book cover this weekend, between copiuos amounts of chores and other middle-class drudgery.

alt tags are for people who know what to do with them

Got the boys blocked in. At least we seem to be in the homestretch now.