Sunday, June 19, 2005

Salem Jack: narrative, oh narrative...

Bill liked the sketch but some things didn't make sense to him.

If the boat was passing by or leaving the dock (in other words moving at all) then the boys should have been paying more attention to it (this being the middle of the 1800s there wasn't much else as far as entertainment, I guess) but if the boys were looking at the boat their backs would be turned to the viewer.

I liked the boys casual glances at the steamer in the previous sketch but Bill says they would have been more interested than that. He thought maybe the boat should be docked and unloading cargo. This is a process that would take hours (and be pretty boring even by 1800s standards) giving the boys plenty of time to devote to other boyish passtimes (fishing and skipping stones, in this case). You can see the boys' faces and it makes more sense (with regards to narrative.

Anyway, you can't really make any of that out in the new sketch, done quick and loose for composition:

Quick and loose - just like I like 'em!
and, by the way, that's not the typeface he's going to use or anything. I just dropped that in for the basic idea.

You know, you're probably getting sick of seeing basically the same sketch over and over again so I think I'm not going to post any more process until it's further along...

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